Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Here's Abi's first experience having photo shoot on real studio.. kikikik
As she's a shy n sensitive girl, I never imagine seeing her posing in front of Mr. photographer, following all the instruction...
One by one, klick, klick, klick... smiiiiile, say cheeeeese....

(Pictures taken on mini studio on the mall, before playing at Game Master... hihihi.. iseng2 dicobain... eeeh... mau katanya...)


mommy adit said...

Cute!! what a nice style...

You'll never know what your kids can do until they try.. So, jangan anggep Abi gak bisa pose walaupun dia pemalu.. kids are always surprising, ya?

Anonymous said...

wow berarti udah bawaan dong Nira... dari mommynya mungkin? hehehe

ira.aditya said...

hahahaha..pastinya bukan bawaan mammienya say...n emang iya bener, there's always new things coming ev'day.. n it will surprise us even more..